Daily Archives: October 4, 2011

Update: McRibs in Japan

Last week we reported that the McRib had returned to Japan. Since then, the Web has been buzzing with details of their version of the McRib. I have found one blog that has a series of pictures of the McRib from it’s unveiling from the wrapper, to the tray insert, to various shots of the McRib itself Japanese McRib via Blog Post.
Additionally, I received another images of this McRib from a California resident visiting Japan.

Japan McRib via Mathew K.

Contrasting this McRib versus the typical US version.
Sesame hoagie bun, Mayo (sometimes much mayo), Lettuce,Onion,lemon sauce, McRib patty, BBQ sauce, bottom of bun.

Cornmeal topped hoagie bun, Pickles, Onion, BBQ Sauce slathered McRib patty, bottom of bun.

What do you think?

Which McRib Promotion would you pick?

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If you find the McRib, make sure to enter your sighting at http://mcriblocator.com. Also, send us a photo (photos@mcriblocator.com) of your receipt so that your sighting may be promoted to confirmed! Bonus for those that also send a photo of themselves enjoying the McRib. We will share these on the blog.